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An Intelligent Approach to Strengthening of the Rural Electrical Power Supply Using Renewable Energy Resources

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Source : IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, vol. 83, p. 012005

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2017

Abstract : The healthy growth of economy lies in the balance between rural and urban development. Several developing countries have achieved a successful growth of urban areas, yet rural infrastructure has been neglected until recently. The rural electrical grids are weak with heavy losses and low capacity. Renewable energy represents an efficient way to generate electricity locally. However, the renewable energy generation may be limited by the low grid capacity. The current solutions focus on grid reinforcement only. This article presents a model for improving renewable energy integration in rural grids with the intelligent combination of three strategies: 1) grid reinforcement, 2) use of storage and 3) renewable energy curtailments. Such approach provides a solution to integrate a maximum of renewable energy generation on low capacity grids while minimising project cost and increasing the percentage of utilisation of assets. The test cases show that a grid connection agreement and a main inverter sized at 60 kW (resp. 80 kW) can accommodate a 100 kWp solar park (resp. 100 kW wind turbine) with minimal storage.

Cite this Research Publication :
Fabien Chidanand Robert, Sisodia, G. S., and Gopalan, S., “An Intelligent Approach to Strengthening of the Rural Electrical Power Supply Using Renewable Energy Resources”, in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, vol. 83, p. 012005

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