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An Integral Equation Based Analysis technique for Fault Detection in Instrumentation Cables

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : ELECTRON - Technical Report of Department of ECE, Special Issue, Proceedings of the First National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Signal Processing (RTCSP’09)

Source : ELECTRON - Technical Report of Department of ECE, Special Issue, Proceedings of the First National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Signal Processing (RTCSP’09), vol. 1. pp. 266-269, 2009.

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2009

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : A. Aggarwal, Teja.K, R., and Sabarish Narayanan B., “An Integral Equation Based Analysis technique for Fault Detection in Instrumentation Cables”, ELECTRON - Technical Report of Department of ECE, Special Issue, Proceedings of the First National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Signal Processing (RTCSP’09), vol. 1. pp. 266-269, 2009.

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