Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering
Source : International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (2017)
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2017
Abstract : Cloud computing is the emerging technology that offers hosted services based on the demand of the user (i.e. Pay as Use model) with scale up and down of the resources such as RAM, CPU and Storage etc. With the help of virtualization technology, a virtual IT infrastructure can be built to provide a private cloud for creating virtual machine instances. This paper discusses how the resources have been allocated and deploy an application into the cloud instances. Furthermore the Eucalyptus is integrated with open source Ganglia tool to analyze the performance of a virtual machine.
Cite this Research Publication : Vidhyasagar, B. S., S. Aravinda Krishnan, D. Manikkannan, and J. Arunnehru.(2017), "An Implementation and Performance Monitoring of Virtual Machines using Ganglia in Eucalyptus Private Cloud.", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering.