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An Exploratory Analysis and Prediction of Factors Influencing the Debugging Behavior of Computer Science Students

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Springer, Singapore

Source : In: Sharma H., Gupta M.K., Tomar G.S., Lipo W. (eds) Communication and Intelligent Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 204. Springer, Singapore.

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Computing

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2021

Abstract : In recent years, most of the students registered in computer science courses are confronted with the difficulty in computer programming. This is a serious concern for educators and the students. So there is a critical need to analyze the factors influencing the same. Meanwhile, many investigations have been conducted in analyzing the programming skill, and more importantly, their studies focused on marks secured in various science subjects, prior programming experience, reasoning ability, etc. But the analysis of programming behavior in the current study is focused mainly on patterns generated by the students after the compilation. Furthermore, the relationship between debugging capability and hit rate with academic performance was analyzed. Methods like correlation and regression are adopted for analyzing these factors. It is observed that the debugging skill of the students and their hit rate has an upper hand in determining the programming skill compared to the marks secured in the examinations.

Cite this Research Publication : Mohan S., Vimina E.R. (June 2021), "An Exploratory Analysis and Prediction of Factors Influencing the Debugging Behavior of Computer Science Students". In: Sharma H., Gupta M.K., Tomar G.S., Lipo W. (eds) Communication and Intelligent Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 204. Springer, Singapore.

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