Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Springer Nature Switzerland
Source : International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
Year : 2023
Abstract : COVID-19 has made a serious impact throughout the world. Wearing a face mask properly in public is considered an effective strategy to prevent infection. To contribute to community health, this work intends to develop an accurate real-time system for detecting non-mask faces in public. The proposed system can be used by law enforcement authorities to monitor and enforce the proper use of masks. A novel transfer learning-based method to detect face masks efficiently is proposed in this paper. Inspired by EfficientNetV2, a transfer learning model has been proposed to use for detecting whether a person is wearing a mask or not. To our knowledge, the EfficientNetV2 has not been used for detecting face masks. The model building is done based on two standard face mask datasets. The images in the first dataset consist of multiple people wearing masks, not wearing masks, and wearing the mask incorrectly. The second dataset consists of masked faces and faces without masks. To validate the generalization capability of the proposed model, the trained model is tested on two new standard datasets. In addition to that, the testing is done on a dataset created by ourselves. The proposed model performs well even on images with distortions such as blurred and noisy images. The model predicts whether the person in the input image is wearing a mask or not and also the correctness of mask-wearing with significantly better accuracy than the existing methods. The explainability of the proposed model is explained using a class activation map.
Cite this Research Publication : Anjali, T., and V. Masilamani. "An explainable transfer learning based approach for detecting face mask." In International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, pp. 72-86. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.