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An Experimental investigation on Hemispherical Basin Solar Still coupled with Heat Pipes, Evacuated Tubes Paraboloid Concentrator

Publisher : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Year : 2017

Abstract : This paper elaborates on the changes in the solar still efficiency when heat pipes, evacuated tubes and paraboloid concentrator are added to the solar still. The solar still setup is tested for efficiency in four different modes of operation. They are (i) solar still with concentrator, (ii) solar still coupled with heat pipes and evacuated tubes, (iii)solar still coupled with concentrator, heat pipes and evacuated tubes, (iv) solar still coupled with concentrator, heat pipes and evacuated tubes (without insulation). The efficiencies of solar still are found to be 26.009%, 24.708%, 27.72%, and 23.164% respectively in each case. The efficiency of solar still has increased from 24.708% in case of solar still coupled with heat pipes and evacuated tube to 27.72% in case of solar still coupled with heatpipes, evacuated tubes and paraboloid concentrator. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

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