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An Experimental Approach to measure the impact of musical logo on brand equity

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Global Business Review, ABDC-C, SCOPUS-Q2, WoS

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Business

Year : 2023

Abstract : Using musical logos (MLs; jingles) for brand promotion is a time-tested marketing strategy to develop brand recognition and aid memorability among consumers. The researchers adopted an experimental approach to measure the impact of MLs on brand equity (BE) for the Fast Moving Consumable Goods (FMCG) companies. The study is based on empirical evidence collected through an online survey featuring audio media circulated through referrals among (n = 632) end consumers of 25 popular brands of FMCG companies in India. Correlation and regression analysis were used to measure the cause-and-effect relationship between MLs and BE by developing brand awareness (BAW) and creating favourable brand associations (BASs). The results of the study reflect that consumers showed high BAW and positive associations regarding FMCG brands, which employed MLs in their promotions. It can be stated that there exists a positive relationship between the use of MLs and generation of BE. The study offers further suggestions to effectively utilize the potential of MLs in business.

Cite this Research Publication : Sathish (2023) “An Experimental Approach to measure the impact of musical logo on brand equity” (Published in online-Global Business Review, ABDC-C, SCOPUS-Q2, WoS)

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