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An Enhanced Digital Image Processing based Dehazing Techniques for Haze Removal

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : IEEE

Source : Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC)

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Year : 2020

Abstract : The proposed research paper explore Haze Removal a specific aspect of digital image processing. Visual images are often adversely affected by haze arising out of natural atmospheric phenomena such as moisture, aerosols, dust etc. or human action-smoke from fires, industrial emissions etc. Apart from these atmospheric factors, image quality could also be impacted by the positioning of the camera. Degradation of image quality can seriously affect critical decision making andleadeven to serious accidents. Our focus is to examine, characterize and quantify the difference of a clear digital image from a hazeaffected one and also to improve haze-affected images. We consider color images as well as grey scale ones. We apply the Dark Channel prior method in conjunction with approxdcp algorithm of Imreduce.

Cite this Research Publication : Menon, N. Aiswarya, et al. "An enhanced digital image processing based dehazing techniques for haze removal." 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). IEEE, 2020.

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