Abstract : The main motto behind the 4G wireless epoch is to provide a mobile ultra-broadband internet access with the help of a completely standardized Internet Protocol (IP) for video, Voice over IP (VoIP) and other multimedia services. It also requires the existing mobile services to pullulate into an open Mobile Cloud which can be used by all the providers. Vehicular networks can also be used to obtain information from the Internet which is not directly related to travelling. So numerous number of applications like surfing, email, gaming etc. can find its way into these wireless vehicular networks. In this paper we discuss the network mobility mechanism used to support the movement of nodes which changes its point of attachment to a fixed infrastructure from time to time, thus developing an efficient handover prediction and initiation algorithm for vehicular communication in 4G wireless networks. Here the handover is predicted using the route travelled (database) and it is initiated with the help of threshold values in both the scenarios. Until the threshold value is reached, the handover initiation can be postponed (made to sleep), without any need to check whether we are within the boundary of the current Access Router (AR) or not, thus saving a substantial amount of resource usage. By this way, the Mobile Router (MR) forebodes the handover, even if the current connection with the AR is still active.