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An Android Application for semester Wise Materials to Overcome Exam Fever (Exam FeverApp)

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : International Journal of Innovative Research in computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE – ISSN: 2320-9801), pp. 6091-6096, Vol. 5, Issue. 3, 2017.

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Computing

Year : 2017

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : M.P.V.S. Kushal, N. AkhilSai, S. Vishnu, “An Android Application for semester Wise Materials to Overcome Exam Fever (Exam FeverApp)”, International Journal of Innovative Research in computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE – ISSN: 2320-9801), pp. 6091-6096, Vol. 5, Issue. 3, 2017.

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