Abstract : What do we aim at is, the first point to be made clear. Simple, this paper should give an insight of what SHM (software health management) is all about? Also care has been taken in such a way that the benefits, implementation and architecture details and points of concern are all covered. There are very few papers available in this area, which made the project and study very interesting. Firstly, this mechanism is dealt with respect to an aircraft. So all the information summarized in this paper are in relevance with aircraft. But, the same can be extended to other automobiles as well. Almost everyone loves to travel in a sophisticated medium. Say, an Aircraft Airbus A380. It is very comfortable, fast and finally people inside should feel that they are secured and they will reach the destination safely. Same is the case with any automobile even. If a BMW car is bought, safety is the most important attribute to be listened into. If it is less expensive and not secured, then buyer would not spend for killing himself. Point is simple. Security and safety is so important and it carries a lot of weightage. This paper is aimed at improving safety aspects of an aircraft. The idea can be extended to any automobile as well. © Research India Publications.