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Agricultural growth and migration: In search of a new evidence

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Gokhale Institute of Poliiics and Economics

Source : Gokhale Institute of Poliiics and Economics (1999)

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Business

Department : Department of Management

Verified : No

Year : 1999

Abstract : While concluding his landmark work on why poor people stay poor and putting forth the hypothesis of urban bias. Michael Lipton wrote that.... the rural sector has not obtained (owing to its own weakness and the strength of others) sufficient shares of resources to meet the generally accepted criteria of efficiency and equity. However, the rich and powerful benefit from the resuh of urban bias(Lipton, 1977, p. 328). Upton's hypothesis of urban bias during the mid-seventies later formed a strong explanatory ground towards explanation

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi, “Agricultural growth and migration: In search of a new evidence”, Gokhale Institute of Poliiics and Economics, 1999.

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