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Advanced Biometric Authentication System in Two Wheeler

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IJESIT

Source : International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovation Technology (IJESIT), ISSN 2319-5967, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 152 – 158, January 2014.

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2014

Abstract : This project is to develop an authentication system on two-wheelers based on biometric that can be used to secure the two-wheeler from theft. This project will utilize a fingerprint scanner as the input to acquire fingerprint images and to ignite the system. When fingerprint is scan on fingerprint scanner, fingerprint images will be sent into database and will be match with stored data. This project is also need to develop programs that fingerprint recognition and identification function as well as database to store the fingerprint images. In the database there will be a lot of information about the fingerprint such as fingerprint pattern, fingerprint classification, fingerprint identification, fingerprint reference point and others. All of this is to match the input fingerprint images with the fingerprint images in the database. These eliminate the need for keeping track of keys. It can only be opened when an authorized user is present, since there are no keys or combinations to be copied or stolen, or locks that can be picked. In this project the fingerprint module from Maxis Biometrics is used. It can store up to 768 finger prints on its own memory. The microcontroller AT89S52 interacts with the module. You can add a fingerprint, delete a fingerprint and identify the fingerprint. To identify the finger, press the Identify button and if the finger matches then the Relay is complemented. Also the fingerprint ID is displayed over the LCD display. LCD is displaying the speed and distance travelled by vehicle.

Cite this Research Publication : G Iswarya, M Baranidharan, Bagavathi C, R. Rajaprabha, “Advanced Biometric Authentication System in Two Wheeler”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovation Technology (IJESIT), ISSN 2319-5967, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 152 – 158, January 2014.

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