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Adherence to Methotrexate therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – a hospital based cross sectional study from Kochi, Kerala

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian Journal of Community Medicine

Source : Pak J Med Sci. 2016 Mar-Apr;32(2):413-7

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Department of Community Medicine

Year : 2021

Abstract : Objective: To determine adherence to methotrexate (MTX) therapy in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and to identify factors that promote either adherence or non adherence. Methods: One hundred Rheumatoid Arthritis patients on MTX for at least two months were enrolled. Questionnaire was completed by direct interview. Details recorded were, demographics (age, sex, education, monthly income), disease duration, duration on MTX and current dose. Disease Activity Score on 28 joint counts (DAS 28) at the current visit, concomitant drugs taken and number of doses of MTX missed in the previous 8 weeks were noted. Non adherence was defined as omission of any three or more prescribed doses of MTX in previous 8 week. Patients were asked for the factors that motivated their adherence to MTX as well as factors for non adherence. Presence of side effects due to MTX was also recorded. Result: Non adherence was found among 23% of cases. Patients of low socioeconomic group (p <0.0001) and on MTX for longer duration (p <0.001) had higher non adherence. Non adherent patients had significantly higher disease activity as measured by DAS 28 (p<0.001). Good counseling and education by the doctor was a strong predictor of adherence (p <0.001). Lack of affordability (p <0.001) lack of availability at local pharmacy (p <0.001); lack of family support (p <0.001) and lack of awareness regarding need and importance of MTX (p < 0.001were found as significant factors for non adherence. Conclusion: MTX non adherence in RA is noted in about one fourth of study group. Various economical and social issues lead to non adherence but good patient education and counseling by doctor could promote adherence in this study group.

Cite this Research Publication : Adherence to Methotrexate therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis - a hospital based cross sectional study from Kochi, Kerala, ChitraBabu, Athira, James Jijo, Sreelakshmi Mohandas*, Lakshmi Jayasree Aravindan, K Vijayakumar, Mithun C B : Indian Journal of Community Medicine- under review

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