Adaptive Scalable Wavelet Difference Reduction Method for Efficient Image Transmission
Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : ICVGIP, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Source : ICVGIP, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2006)
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Campus : Amritapuri
School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computing
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2006
Abstract : This paper presents a scalable image transmission scheme based on the wavelet-based coding technique supporting region of interest properties. The proposed scheme scalable WDR (SWDR), is based on the wavelet difference reduction scheme, progresses adaptively to get different resolution images at any bit rate required and is supported with the spatial and SNR scalability. The method is developed for the limited bandwidth network where the image quality and data compression are mopst important. Simulations are performed on the medical images, satellite images and Standard test images like Barbara, fingerprint images. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is up to 20-40% better than other famous scalable schemes like scalable SPIHT coding schemes in terms of signal to noise ratio values (dB) and reduces execution time around 40% in various resolutions. Thus, the proposed scalable coding scheme becomes increasingly important.
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T. S. Bindulal and Dr. Kaimal, M. R., “Adaptive Scalable Wavelet Difference Reduction Method for Efficient Image Transmission”, in ICVGIP, 2006