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Acute Myeloid Leukemia Presenting as Obstructive Jaundice

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian Journal of Gastroenterology

Source : Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006 Mar-Apr;25(2):934.

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Gastroenterology

Year : 2006

Abstract : We report a 32-year-old man with acute myeloid leukemia presenting as obstructive jaundice. Imaging revealed dilated common bile duct with abrupt narrowing at the lower end, distended gall bladder, and dilated intrahepatic biliary radicles. In addition he had a mass lesion in the urinary bladder. On evaluation he was found to have the eosinophilic variant of M4 subtype acute myeloid leukemia. He expired before chemotherapy could be instituted.

Cite this Research Publication : Rajesh G, Sadasivan S,Hiran KR, Nandakumar R, Balakrishnan V., "Acute myeloid leukemia presenting as obstructive jaundice," Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006 Mar-Apr;25(2):934.

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