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Accuracy Analysis on Design of Stochastic Computing in Arithmetic Components and Combinational Circuit

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Computation

Source : Computation 11, no. 12: 237

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2023

Abstract : Stochastic circuits are used in applications that require low area and power consumption. The computing performed using these circuits is referred to as Stochastic computing (SC). The arithmetic operations in this computing can be realized using minimum logic circuits. The SC system allows a tradeoff of computational accuracy and area; thereby, the challenge in SC is improving the accuracy. The accuracy depends on the SC system’s stochastic number generator (SNG) part. SNGs provide the appropriate stochastic input required for stochastic computation. Hence we explore the accuracy in SC for various arithmetic operations performed using stochastic computing with the help of logic circuits. The contributions in this paper are; first, we have performed stochastic computing for arithmetic components using two different SNGs. The SNGs considered are Linear Feed-back Shift Register (LFSR) -based traditional stochastic number generators and S-box-based stochastic number generators. Second, the arithmetic components are implemented in a combinational circuit for algebraic expression in the stochastic domain using two different SNGs. Third, computational analysis for stochastic arithmetic components and the stochastic algebraic equation has been conducted. Finally, accuracy analysis and measurement are performed between LFSR-based computation and S-box-based computation. The novel aspect of this work is the use of S-box-based SNG in the development of stochastic computing in arithmetic components. Also, the implementation of stochastic computing in the combinational circuit using the developed basic arithmetic components, and exploration of accuracy with respect to stochastic number generators used is presented.

Cite this Research Publication : Ashok, P, and B Bala Tripura Sundari. 2023. "Accuracy Analysis on Design of Stochastic Computing in Arithmetic Components and Combinational Circuit" Computation 11, no. 12: 237.

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