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Acceptance of technology by senior citizens

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 118(5):645-650, 2019

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Business

Verified : No

Year : 2018

Abstract : Technology can be considered as a combination of techniques, skills, methods and process. However technology has evolved rapidly over the past years. In our modern day usage of technology is something which is unavoidable. We have widely seen that the young generation has adopted or accepted the changing technology at a very brisk pace. However the usage of technology among the senior citizens was looked upon as a concern. The purpose of the study is to understand the technology acceptance in senior citizens using a systematic literature review. Study focuses on incorporating the articles published recently on the topic and to identify the scope for future research.

Cite this Research Publication : Ashima, V., & Murale, V.,( 2018) Acceptance of technology by senior citizens. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 118(5):645-650

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