Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : IEEE
Source : IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2023
Abstract : Millimeter-wave systems deploy spatial beam search for initial access. A narrow beam search results in significant discovery delays whereas wide beams cause high user misdetection. In this letter, a novel two-stage fast beam search algorithm is proposed that utilizes a beamforming architecture with an appropriate antenna spacing for subarray design. The first stage employs analog beamforming to identify the coarse beam space. The second stage based on hybrid beamforming makes use of pattern multiplication for beam space refinement. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves improved performance in comparison to existing techniques in terms of significantly reduced beam search latency with a marginal increase in user misdetection.
Cite this Research Publication : Jha, Neeta, Amrita Mishra, Jyotsna Bapat, and Debabrata Das. "A two-stage fast beam search for multi-user millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems." IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 12, no. 5 (2023): 878-882.