Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : AENSI
Source : Advances in natural and applied sciences
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security
Department : TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
Year : 2017
Abstract : A sensor network deployed in the WSN has the capability to read the sensed information and transmit or forward information to base stations or a sink node through multi-hop routing. Additionally, malicious sensor nodes could be dropped into the area of deployment. These malicious sensors could eavesdrop on sensor communications, pose as legitimate nodes, and disrupt the functioning of the sensor networks by imposing themselves as nodes-in-themiddle and disrupting service in a variety of ways. Therefore, a trust-based LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) protocol is designed for clustering to provide secure routing, while preserving the essential functionalities of the original protocol. Within the cluster, a measurable indirect trust of a CM (Cluster Member) is evaluated by its CH (Cluster Head). Thus each CM does not need to maintain the feedback from other CMs, which will reduce the communication overhead and eliminate the possibility of active attacks such as sink hole and black hole attacks mount by Non-cooperative Eavesdroppers. Furthermore, this approach enables us to detect and prevent malicious, selfish, and faulty nodes. The proposed solution detects compromised and faulty nodes in a Wireless Sensor Network through a light weight trust based mechanism. The mechanism also isolates a compromised node from the network so that it cannot participate in any network activity. Evaluation results shows that the proposed trust decision making enhances dependability, resilience, and less memory overhead when compared with the existing trust management approaches of wireless sensor networks. KEYWORDS: Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy, Cluster Head, Cluster Member
Cite this Research Publication : Dr.K.Dhanalakshmi P.Hemalatha " A Trust Based mechanism for preventing compromised and faulty nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks", Advances in natural and applied sciences