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A theoretical review on the employee inclination towards technological amelioration in the banking sector in India: Contemporary Scenario

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Serials Publications.

Source : International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Serials Publications, Volume 14, Number 10, p.6453-6474 (2016)

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Year : 2016

Abstract : Information Technology revolution has touched every aspect of people's life including banking. The banking sector is undergoing a rapid change to face the challenges posed by the new developments triggered by the entry of private banks and foreign banks into India. This study is undertaken to get an insight about the impact of information and communication technology on employee performance in banking sector and to know whether the training provided is up to the mark. Accordingly, it helps to reveal the attitude of the employees towards the adoption of information and communication technology in banks and measures their overall performance.

Cite this Research Publication : G. Gopika, “A theoretical review on the employee inclination towards technological amelioration in the banking sector in India: Contemporary Scenario”, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, vol. 14, pp. 6453-6474, 2016.

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