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A technique for recording the activity of brain-stem neurones in awake, unrestrained cats using microwires and an implantable micromanipulator

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Dentistry

Year : 1993

Abstract : A new technique is described which is suitable for long-term recording of the activity of neurones in the brain of an awake, unrestrained cat. By using telescopic electrodes, neurones up to 39 mm from the cranial surface can be reached with a miniature micromanipulator which is small enough to be left in place between recording sessions. The most stable recordings have been obtained with electrodes made from microwire, with which units have been held for up to 8 h.

Cite this Research Publication : Banks D., Kuriakose M., Matthews B. A technique for recording the activity of brain-stem neurones in awake, unrestrained cats using microwires and implantable micromanipulator. J. Neurosci. Meth.

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