Abstract : Urinary Tract Infections caused by extended spectrum beta lactamases pose serious challenges in the selection of appropriate antibiotics A perspective observational study was conducted in the general medicine department of a tertiary care teaching hospital with the objectives of evaluating clinical effectiveness of antibiotics in ESBL positive UTI ,antibiotic of choice for the successful eradication of ESBL positive UTI to prevent its relapse and the associated risk factors The drug therapy details and culture reports of the patients were collected using a standard data collection form and were analyzed. A total of 60 ESBL positive UTI patients were studied. E.coli was the most commonly isolated organism and colistin showed complete cure with UTI caused by E.coli. The reserved drug, Meropenem showed less relapse rate in patients with UTI caused by K. Pneumoniae. Pseudomonas aeroginosa, one of the major causative organisms of hospital acquired infection, did not show 100% sensitivity to any of the antibiotics. Moreover, sensitivity pattern was declined for all antibiotics used compared to previous year. Treatment with higher antibiotics mainly carbapenems and colistin proved to reduce the relapse rate of UTI than the other classes of antibiotics. Diabetes mellitus, menopause, catheterization and BPH were the main risk factors. Patients with multiple risk factors were also found and relapse among such patients were found to be the highest.