Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Source : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 7, Number 7, p.16953-16960 (2015)
Url :
Keywords : Controlled natural language, Natural language, Ontology, Ontology authoring, Ontology verbalization, Web ontology language
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2015
Abstract : Ontology verbalization is a process of converting the logical content of ontologies represented in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) into human understandable natural languages such as English. But, because of the ambiguous and complex nature of the natural languages, it is not directly suitable for verbalization. Controlled Natural Languages (CNLs) are derived from natural languages by applying restrictions and it can be further used for ontology verbalization and authoring. It helps the non-logicians to easily access the OWL ontologies. There are various controlled natural languages that can be used for both ontology authoring and verbalization. Each of the CNL has its own advantages and disadvantages. They overlap in some of the features, while differs widely in some other. The common goal of all the controlled natural languages is to make the OWL statements and the ontologies easily understandable for the users with little or no formal training. This paper focuses on comparing four predominantly used controlled natural languages such as Attempto Controlled English (ACE), Rabbit, Sydney OWL Syntax (SOS) and OWL Simplified English (OSE) with respect to simplicity, clearness, naturalness, and expressivity. © Research India Publications.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gowtham R. and Venugopal, A., “A Study On Verbalization Of OWL Axioms Using Controlled Natural Language”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 16953-16960, 2015.