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A Study of hippocampal neurogenesis associated with temporal lobe epilepsy and the role of Notch signaling in transcriptional regulation of Tlx3 a selector gene involved in excitatory versus inhibitory fate specification

Publication Type : Thesis

Publisher : Department of Biotechnology

Source : Department of Biotechnology (2010)

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Biotechnology

Department : biotechnology, Department of Pain and Palliative

Year : 2010

Abstract : Neurogenisis is a developmental process leading to the formation of new mature functional neurons.

Cite this Research Publication : Indulekha C. L. Pillai, “A Study of hippocampal neurogenesis associated with temporal lobe epilepsy and the role of Notch signaling in transcriptional regulation of Tlx3 a selector gene involved in excitatory versus inhibitory fate specification”, 2010.

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