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A short review on mechanical properties of SLM titanium alloys based on recent research works

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings, 56, pp.A7-A12.

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2022

Abstract : Selective laser melting [SLM] is an additive manufacturing process for metals and alloys. In this paper, mechanical properties of Titanium based alloys prepared by SLM, are reviewed based on the recent (2019–2021) research works on the same. Basic process of SLM is explained with a diagram. The effect of process parameters on properties are compared and analysed. Enhancements in properties like tensile strength, yield strength, ductility and hardness are discussed with relevant data. With available works, a study of post heat treatment of SLM Ti alloys are also conducted.

Cite this Research Publication : Rahulan, N., Sharma, S.S., Rakesh, N. and Sambhu, R., 2022. A short review on mechanical properties of SLM titanium alloys based on recent research works. Materials Today: Proceedings, 56, pp.A7-A12.

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