Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Asian J Appl Sci Technol
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security
Department : TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
Year : 2018
Abstract : Car automation is an IoT innovation by which we can control distinctive things or can keep a track on a vehicle for the (I) Security, (ii) solace and (iii)
proficiency. The ease liquor sensor is prepared in the auto for liquor location to stay away from mishaps because of liquor utilization controlling the
speed of the auto utilizing sonic sensor while confronting the hindrances. The safety belt comprises of an inbuilt heart beat sensor to mechanize the
start of the auto amid therapeutic crises. Edge restrict is set by the age of the drivers which are gathered while enrollment itself. All controls are
accessible in auto proprietors' dash board accessible both in auto and furthermore in versatile application. The intermittent information is sent through
web and put away in cloud for advance investigation and basic leadership. The Dash board comprises of ON/OFF switch with the goal that the start
is controlled remotely amid burglaries and break disappointments. Keyword: Heart Beat Sensor, Liquor Sensor, Sonic sensor.
Cite this Research Publication : S Vimalkumar, P Hemalatha, J Kalaivani " A review on smart IOT car for accident prevention", Asian J Appl Sci Technol