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A review on small scale wind turbines

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Source : Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 56, p.1351 - 1371 (2016)

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Keywords : Rotor diameter

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : Amrita Center for Policy Research, Automotive Center

Department : Mechanical, Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2016

Abstract : Abstract Meeting future world energy needs while addressing climatic changes has led to greater strain on conventional power sources. One of the viable sustainable energy sources is wind. But the installation large scale wind farms has a potential impact on the climatic conditions, hence a decentralized small scale wind turbines is a sustainable option. This paper presents review of on different types of small scale wind turbines i.e., horizontal axis and vertical axis wind turbines. The performance, blade design, control and manufacturing of horizontal axis wind turbines were reviewed. Vertical axis wind turbines were categorized based on experimental and numerical studies. Also, the positioning of wind turbines and aero-acoustic aspects were presented. Additionally, lessons learnt from various studies/countries on actual installation of small wind turbines were presented.

Cite this Research Publication : A. Tummala, Dr. Ratna Kishore V., Sinha, D. Kumar, Indraja, V., and V. Krishna, H., “A review on small scale wind turbines”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 56, pp. 1351 - 1371, 2016.

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