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A Prototype Model of Hand Assistive System Useful for Hearing Impaired

Publication Type : Book Chapter, Conference Paper

Publisher : 18th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications(ISDA-2018).

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2018

Abstract : Science and technology have made human life addictive to comfort yet at the same time there exists an underprivileged gathering of individuals who are battling to find a creative way that can make the procedure of correspondence less demanding for them. As per the World Health Organization, around 285 million individuals on the planet are visually impaired, 300 million are deprived of hearing and 1 million are moronic. In this paper, we propose a framework which encourages dump to speak with others with the intention to avoid any hindrance during communication between the blind, deaf and dumb individuals. This work utilizes wearable technology to devise methods for attaining our goal. Here we assume that a person who is deprived of hearing is also moronic.

Cite this Research Publication : Divya Udayan J, Anupama K Ingale, Hemalatha, A Prototype Model of Hand Assistive System Useful for Hearing Impaired, 18th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications(ISDA-2018).

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