Publication Type : Book Chapter
Source : Strategic Pervasive Computing Applications: Emerging Trends
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security
Year : 2010
Abstract : The dynamic property of pervasive computing hinders users to have complete knowledge of the relationship among services, service providers, and credentials. The involvement of only the necessary users and service providers for service discovery in pervasive computing environments is challenging. Without prudence, users’ and service providers’ requests or service information, their identities, and their presence information may be sacrificed. The problem may be as difficult as a chicken-and-egg problem, in which both users and service providers want the other parties to expose sensitive information first. In this chapter, the authors propose a progressive approach to solve the problem. Users and service providers expose partial information in turn and avoid unnecessary exposure if there is any mismatch. Although 1 or 2 bits of information are exchanged in each message, the theoretical analysis and experiments show that our approach protects sensitive information with little overhead.
Cite this Research Publication : S.Durga, A progressive exposure approach for secure service discovery in pervasive computing environments, Strategic Pervasive Computing Applications: Emerging Trends, 2010, Pages 111-122, IGI Global publishers, ISBN: 978-161520753-4.