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A priority based exploration algorithm for path planning of an unmanned ground vehicle

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : International Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES)

Source : International Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES), 2014 , IEEE (2014)

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Verified : Yes

Year : 2014

Abstract : Robots plays a vital role and are widely used in surveillance applications where humans cannot reach, due to the associated danger. For such applications, use of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) is highly demanded by incorporating algorithms for robot localization and path planning. This paper proposes development of a three-wheeled robot using sensors and wireless transmission network and methods to map the unknown environment to a PC through a visual map created using Processing software. The information collected by the robot is to be transmitted wirelessly to a control PC, located far away. A priority based exploration algorithm for path planning to navigate the robot through the unknown even environment avoiding the static obstacles with the help of ultrasonic sensors to reach the destination through the shortest path, is implemented using PIC16F877A microcontroller.

Cite this Research Publication : Narayan S., Prasannakumar T. V., Prasanth M., N. Praveen Velavan, Praveen Kumar N., and Dr. Anju Pillai S., “A priority based exploration algorithm for path planning of an unmanned ground vehicle”, International Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES), 2014 . IEEE, 2014.

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