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A Perplexing case of Bilateral Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian Journal of Ophthalmology - Case Reports

Source : Indian Journal of Ophthalmology - Case Reports

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2022

Abstract : Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada (VKH) disease presents as a bilateral granulomatous panuveitis with systemic manifestations. We report a 60-year-old female who presented with features suggestive of VKH and was treated with steroids and immunosuppression. Although thorough investigation ruled out tuberculosis (TB) at presentation, she developed neurotuberculosis 2 months after initiating treatment. The primary diagnosis of VKH was hence revisited. Since both VKH and TB uveitis can present as chronic granulomatous panuveitis, it is important to differentiate between them. Once started on immunosuppression, patients should be kept on close follow-up for early detection of development of infections or reactivation of latent TB.

Cite this Research Publication : Rasheed R, Shah K, Pillai GS, Mithun CB, Radhakrishnan N, Kandula P. A perplexing case of bilateral Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology-Case Reports. 2022 Jan 1;2(1):120-2.

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