Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : ICSGT 2015 Procedia Technology
Source : ICSGT 2015 Procedia Technology, Volume 21, p.526 - 532 (2015)
Url :
Keywords : Game theory
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2015
Abstract : Abstract The development of smart grid technology acts as new brain to the power generation and distribution network. Through this technology, the network is not only going to get integrated and turn communicable all over the country but also the demand will be monitored by the control centers and at peak time the usage of electricity is going to cost higher than the nominal rate with intimation given to the customer through sms and mail. Hence it's time for the consumers to act smart or else they will end up receiving highly billed statements. This project presents an idea of having a power hub which has control over all the loads individually. The hub detects the peak time demand and reduces the load usage by switching off unwanted loads with a priority that is being set by the consumer based on game theory's algorithm which schedules load usage by creating several possible schedule vector for consumers such that demand is never raised. This could be done both individually and among multiple users of a community or area. The power hub can also monitor our energy usage and creates an order of importance among the loads, thus providing intelligence to the consumers.
Cite this Research Publication : G. N., V.V., V., and Dr. Radhika N., “A Novel Approach in Demand Side Management for Smart Home”, ICSGT 2015 Procedia Technology, vol. 21, pp. 526 - 532, 2015.