Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
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Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2023
Abstract : As part of the ESA New Earth Observation Mission Ideas (NEOMI) programme, we are developing a novel satellite mission concept, PoSARA: Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter. Deployment of the Ku- and Ka-band surface-based, fully polarimetric 'KuKa' radar instrument over sea ice during the MOSAiC campaign showed that co- and cross-polarised waveforms showed backscatter at different surfaces, providing accurate snow depth estimates. Data from imaging SAR instruments such as about RADARSAT satellites also indicate that polarisation information can provide insights into ice characteristics, but this has not yet been considered for development of a satellite altimeter. During the project we are exploring expansion of this novel and promising concept across the cryosphere, including land ice, terrestrial snow and permafrost. The potential role of such a mission is in providing observations of cryosphere Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), prolonging the altimeter data record following the 'golden age of altimetry' and providing coverage to high latitudes. Bringing together modelling, data and theory we are investigating the appropriacy and viability of the concept. Throughout the project we are gathering information from varied communities using observations of the cryosphere, relating to all disciplines and regions of interest, regarding challenges and opportunities relating to avenues of development.
Cite this Research Publication : Willatt, Rosemary, Vishnu Nandan, Heather Selley, Melody J. Sandells, Julienne Stroeve, Anna Hogg, and Steven Baker. "A New Earth Observation Mission Idea for the Cryosphere: Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter (PoSARA)." In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, vol. 2023, no. 1351, pp. C31C-1351. 2023.