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A new approach for improved identification of measurement bias

Publication Type : Journal Article

Thematic Areas : Advanced Materials and Green Technologies

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Computers & Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 24, Number 12, p.2755–2764 (2000)

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Keywords : Imbalance correlation strategy, Measurement bias, Unbiased estimation technique

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Center : Center for Excellence in Advanced Materials and Green Technologies

Department : Chemical, Civil, Computer Science

Year : 2000

Abstract : This work presents a technique that can completely and accurately identify measurement bias in cases where it is not possibleto use the method of Rollins and Davis (1992, 1993) and where the method of Narasimhan and Mah (1987) fail to performaccurately. This technique makes use of information contained in the relationship between individual measurements and thecorresponding nodal imbalance. The performance of this method is demonstrated on a problem from the literature that has beendifficult for other methods to handle. In addition, this article discusses how the new technique can be used as a visual monitoringtool for identifying biased measured variables.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Rollins, D. K., and Vardeman, S. B., “A new approach for improved identification of measurement bias”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 2755–2764, 2000.

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