Publication Type : Book Chapter
Source : Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security - Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security, ICABCS
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2023
Abstract : The Fiat-Shamir with Aborts paradigm of Lyubashevsky introduced efficient lattice based signatures. We have used lattice based signature to design post quantum blockchain design. But the blockchain is always consisting of many nodes depending upon participants, then we require an efficient aggregate signature technique to verify nodes efficiently. We have designed a blockchain using fast post quntum secure tool called module lattices. Module lattices provide both security and efficiency based on two assumptions, (1) Module Learning With Errors, and (2) Module Short Integer Solution respectively. The proposed blockchain design ensures security of Internet of Things devices against quantum attacks. The design provides a better secure environment for Internet of Things. Blockchain technology has been used to combine fixed number of IoT nodes. This makes the communication efficient, and the aggregate signature has been used to provide the security to the given architecture.
Cite this Research Publication : Dharminder Chaudhary , M.S.P. Durgarao , Pratik Gupta , Saurabh Rana , Soumyendra Singh, A module lattice based construction of post quantum blockchain for secure transactions in Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security - Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security, ICABCS,2023.