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A Jack or Two in the Box in a Case of Recurrent Inguinal Hernia

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian J Surg

Source : Indian J Surg 82, 217–219 (2020)

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : General Surgery

Year : 2020

Abstract : Occult herniae are difficult to diagnose clinically and hence require pre-operative imaging. There is a need to inspect all the hernia orifices at the operating table to facilitate their needful repairs. A laparoscopic approach to repair these defects is essential as in this view, all the hernial orifices can be visualized. We are presenting a case of bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia, where two occult herniae were discovered on the table, all of which were repaired either by plication alone or Lichtenstein’s tension-free mesh repair.

Cite this Research Publication : Chand, J.T., Ramachandran, R. & Nair, C.G. A Jack or Two in the Box in a Case of Recurrent Inguinal Hernia. Indian J Surg 82, 217–219 (2020)

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