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A Genetic Algorithm for Post-flood Relief Distribution in Kerala, South India

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Thematic Areas : Learning-Technologies

Publisher : ICT Systems and Sustainability, Springer Singapore.

Source : ICT Systems and Sustainability, Springer Singapore, Singapore (2020)

Url :

ISBN : 9789811509360

Keywords : Bi-objective optimization, Disaster relief, Flood modelling, Genetic algorithms, GIS, Team-orienteering problem, Tour planning.

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Center : Amrita Center For Research in Analytics, Technologies & Education (AmritaCREATE)

Department : medicine

Year : 2020

Abstract : In the summer of 2018, the Indian State of Kerala was affected by a flood disaster. About 1 million people were evacuated to over 3200 relief camps. One of the most severely affected areas was the Chalakudy river basin. Due to its flat topology, large parts of the area were flooded. Also, no proper drainage system was in place during and after the flood, and the area stayed flooded for weeks. In this work, we consider the optimization of the relief distribution by coordinated volunteers in the Chalakudy river area. We are formulating a bi-objective optimization problem of sending volunteers to the various flood relief camps; the two contradicting goals in this objective problem are to minimize the time of the volunteers and the unsatisfied demand. The problem is a variation of a team-orienteering problem with some additional constraints. We present a genetic algorithm to solve the problem efficiently.

Cite this Research Publication : Georg Gutjahr and Viswanath, H., “A Genetic Algorithm for Post-flood Relief Distribution in Kerala, South India”, in ICT Systems and Sustainability, Singapore, 2020.

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