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A Conceptual Review on Sheetapitta, Udarda Kota

Publisher : Punarnava International Peer reviewed Ayurveda Journal.

Year : 2015

Abstract : Sheetapitta, Udarda and Kota are commonly encountered ailment manifesting in skin in clinical practice. Review of Ayurvedic literatures shows that a lot of scattered information regarding the disease Sheetapitta,Udarda and Kota is available and only few references are mentioned in Charakasamhita, Sushruta samhita and Vagbhata. Along with Brihatrayee detailed review of Laghutrayee, Yogaratnakara, Baishajyaratnavali, Haritasamhita, Vangasenaetc, Ayurvedic literatures shows that a lot of scattered information regarding the disease Sheetapitta,Udarda and Kota is available. The knowledge of Sheetapitta,Udarda and Kota extensively compiled and analyzed from Ayurveda classics helps in better and complete understanding of this disease, hence aids in treatment. In this article, an attempt is made to compile information and discuss nidana panchaka in asystematic way.

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