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A comprehensive map of the human urinary proteome

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Journal of Proteome Research

Source : Journal of Proteome Research, Volume 10, Number 6, p.2734-2743 (2011)

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Keywords : adult, Affinity, aged, amino acid sequence, article, biological marker, Biological Markers, Chromatography, female, Fourier transform mass spectrometry, Glycoproteins, human, human experiment, Humans, lectin, Lectins, male, middle aged, Molecular Sequence Data, normal human, Peptide Fragments, plasma protein, priority journal, protein analysis, protein urine level, proteome, tandem mass spectrometry, Young Adult

Campus : Bengaluru

Department : Bioinformatics

Year : 2011

Abstract : The study of the human urinary proteome has the potential to offer significant insights into normal physiology as well as disease pathology. The information obtained from such studies could be applied to the diagnosis of various diseases. The high sensitivity, resolution, and mass accuracy of the latest generation of mass spectrometers provides an opportunity to accurately catalog the proteins present in human urine, including those present at low levels. To this end, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of human urinary proteome from healthy individuals using high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry. Importantly, we used the Orbitrap for detecting ions in both MS (resolution 60-000) and MS/MS (resolution 15-000) modes. To increase the depth of our analysis, we characterized both unfractionated as well as lectin-enriched proteins in our experiments. In all, we identified 1823 proteins with less than 1% false discovery rate, of which 671 proteins have not previously been reported as constituents of human urine. This data set should serve as a comprehensive reference list for future studies aimed at identification and characterization of urinary biomarkers for various diseases. © 2011 American Chemical Society.

Cite this Research Publication : Aab Marimuthu, O'Meally, R. Nc, Chaerkady, Rad e, Subbannayya, Yaf, Nanjappa, Va, P. Kumar, Kelkar, D. Sag, Pinto, S. Ma, Sharma, Rah, Renuse, Sad e g, Goel, Rai, Christopher, Rh, Delanghe, Bj, Cole, R. Nc, H. C. Harsha, and Pandey, Ade k l, “A comprehensive map of the human urinary proteome”, Journal of Proteome Research, vol. 10, pp. 2734-2743, 2011.

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