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A comparison of vibroacoustic response of isotropic plate with attached discrete patches and point masses having different thickness variation with different taper ratios.

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher :  Shock and Vibration 

Source :  Shock and Vibration 2016 (2016).

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2016

Abstract : A comparison of sound radiation behavior of plate in air medium with attached discrete patches/point masses having different thickness variations with different taper ratio of 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 is analysed. Finite element method is used to find the vibration characteristics while Rayleigh integral is used to predict the sound radiation characteristics. Minimum peak sound power level obtained is at a taper ratio of 0.6 with parabolic increasing-decreasing thickness variation for plate with four discrete patches. At higher taper ratio, linearly increasing-decreasing thickness variation is another alternative for minimum peak sound power level suppression with discrete patches. It is found that, in low frequency range, average radiation efficiency remains almost the same, but near first peak, four patches or four point masses cause increase in average radiation efficiency; that is, redistribution of point masses/patches does have effect on average radiation efficiency at a given taper ratio.

Cite this Research Publication : B. Kumar, V. Ranjan, Md. S. Azam, Piyush Pratap Singh, P. Mishra, K. P. Ajit, and P. Kumar. “A comparison of vibroacoustic response of isotropic plate with attached discrete patches and point masses having different thickness variation with different taper ratios." Shock and Vibration 2016 (2016). [SCI] (IF: 1.616)

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