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The objective of CSICR-Faculty scholarship is to promote International collaboration in research.

  • Number of Awards per year: 100
  • The maximum grant amount is 3000 USD.
  • Any expense over and above this shall be borne by grantees.
  • Includes grant to travel abroad to the collaborating University for at least three months to complete the research/discussion to submit the paper for publication..
  • 75% of the grant is disbursed at the time of approval of the fellowship and 25% is disbursed upon the publication of the paper.
  • 10% of the approved amount shall be utilized for meeting contingency expenses.
  • Duration of the Fellowship : 12 months


Who can Apply?

This program is exclusive for full-time Amrita faculty and Research Associates. Collaborative discussions and proposals must be underway at the time of applying for the scholarship. Details of the same shall be shared along with the application.

Mandatory Outcome
  • Internationally co-authored journal publication within six months of travel.
  • Proposal submission for extra mural grant
Admissions Apply Now