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Bridge Grant

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The objective behind the ‘Bridge Grant’ is to support

  1. An ongoing Project likely to run into a short-term or temporary funding gap.
  2. A Faculty who had utilized Research Initiation Grant to commence his/her research but exhausted the funding available.

In both the above cases the PI/Faculty is bound to prove the efforts he/she had made to secure Extra Mural Funding for their Project/Research. The fund allotted under the ‘Bridge Grant’ Scheme has to be paid back to the University as soon as external funding is won by the PI/Faculty. An undertaking to this effort has to be submitted along with the application to the Office of The Provost.


Who can Apply?

A PI who currently has an ongoing project the funding support of which is either exhausted or shall be exhausted within next six months.

When to Apply?

The standard template for submitting applications for Bridge Grant can be downloaded from   My Amrita portal.

How to Apply?

The duly filled in application shall be submitted to the Office of The Provost.

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