A study in India” study aligned to WHO Unity Protocol on “Household transmission investigation protocol for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) – Dr. Aswathy S.
The 2nd International Colloquium organized by the Indian Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (iNTD) was a significant event in the field of healthcare and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Held on. . .
WHO – Improving adherence to drugs among persons with coronary artery disease through m – health and community health worker – led interventions in Kerala ; a type II effectiveness. . .
On 2nd December, 2021, a dissemination workshop was conducted for two multicentric studies that were headed by Department of Community Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences.This was carried out under. . .
Early detection of complications of diabetes at the community level – Dr. Aswathy S. Lions Beet Diabetic Camp on 6th January 2022 at Velorvatom , Sreerudram Auditorium Cherthala.
” Kochi Intervention for smoking cessation and tobacco smoke free homes – KIFT 2022″ One day Workshop conducted by Kochi Muncipal Corporation ,National Health Mission, Ernakulam and Amrita Institute of. . .
The project focuses on utilizing digital tools and AI-driven methodologies to enhance conceptual exploration of Ashtanga Hridayam, a foundational text in Ayurveda. By integrating Sanskrit computational techniques, the research aims. . .