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Use of geo-textile fabric and pervious concrete to prevent coastal erosion in sandy soil beaches of Kerala

Start Date: Wednesday, Jun 01,2016

End Date: Friday, Jun 30,2017

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Project Incharge:Mr. R. Ramkrishnan, Prof. N. N. Pillai
Funded by:Government of Kerala, Irrigation Department

Funding Agency: Govt of Kerala

Use of geo-textile fabric and pervious concrete to prevent coastal erosion in sandy soil beaches of Kerala

The project titled “Use of Geo-textile fabric and pervious concrete to prevent coastal erosion in sandy soil beaches of Kerala” is funded by Govt of Kerala.  Mr. R. Ramkrishnan and Prof. N. N. Pillai are the investigators of the project.

The Project is completed in June 2017.

Duration of the Project :  1 Year

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