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Synthesis, Characterization and Liquid Crystalline Studies of Schiff Base Containing Porphyrin

Start Date: Thursday, Jan 01,2009

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Project Incharge:Dr. Yamuna R.
Funded by:CSIR
Synthesis, Characterization and Liquid Crystalline Studies of Schiff Base Containing Porphyrin

Research in modern chemistry attempts to find materials that can act as superior switches and transistors. One of the most exciting, yet challenging fields of research, is the design and synthesis of multifunctional compounds that have desirable and predictable properties of luminescence, transport of information, catalytic activity and macroscopic ordering in mesophase.

Porphyrin-based electronic materials have attracted much attention because of their unusual electro-optical and nonlinear optical behavior. Well-designed porphyrin derivatives can act as molecular switches and be used to make photoelectric devices. In addition, photonic materials have also attracted attention due to their property of light-induced phase transitions. Both materials have lot of potential for application in information processing and technology. This is the first study of its kind in India and initiates research on properties of a porphyrin with a novel azo-Schiff base.

Dinuclear complexes containing bridging ligands are of continuing interest since the presence of the bridging ligand has been shown to affect the geometry of the complex and the redox properties of the metal. Study of these complexes facilitates in understanding the electronic interaction in the supramolecules that have promising applications.

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