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A Service Oriented Framework for Smart Hospitals

Start Date: Thursday, Feb 02,2017

End Date: Thursday, Jan 31,2019

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Project Incharge:Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. Shyamala C. K., Dr. Jeyakumar G.
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. C.K.Shyamala
Funded by:DST – NRDMS
A Service Oriented Framework for Smart Hospitals

Asset and people tracking solutions are crucial in providing seamless operations devoid of clashes between services and elements, especially when designing smart environments for large hospitals. Here monitoring mobile patients, locating important personnel, detecting and locating crowds, locating and tracking essential surgical assets and verification of access control restrictions with respect to people and assets, are important functionalities to be provided by the smart space. In this project, we aim to achieve the above by developing a low-cost, end-to-end system that can help configure and operate a smart hospital, which supports the above functionalities. The proposed system includes a sensor infrastructure, smart algorithms for asset and people tracking applications over this infrastructure and the underlying database system to support these applications. Research focus includes development of effective data management and representation of real-time streams of moving objects and sensor data, cost effective localization, ambient sensing and intelligence, and distributed inferencing.

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