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Secured Data Acquisition and Transmission System for Data Center (SDATS)

Start Date: Sunday, Feb 01,2004

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Project Incharge:Jayaraj P, Sureshkumar P, Renu M. R
Funded by:GOI
Secured Data Acquisition and Transmission System for Data Center (SDATS)

Objective  of  this  project  is  to  develop  Data  acquisition  system  from distributed  sensors  with  capabilities  for  16-to-24-bit  enhancement, local  storage,  and  local  visualization  and  the  Secure  transmission  of acquired  data  reliably  to  multiple  data  centres  across  India  over  VSAT and  Internet.  Data  centres  also  have  the  data  visualization,  archival, and   data   format   conversion   capabilities.   Remote   Monitoring, Configuration,  and  Administration  of  distributed  data  acquisition stations  from  data  centres  are  made  possible.  The  final  handover  of the  project  to  GoI  was  made  in  Feb  2006. A  training  program  was  held by  the ARL  team  in  June  2006  to  a  team  of  GoI  engineers  here  in Amritapuri.    The  system  is  now  being  used  by  GoI.

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