This study seeks to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive teacher training program designed to enhance autism awareness and provide practical skills for screening and supporting autistic students in mainstream educational settings. The program is grounded in evidence-based practices and incorporates a multi-method approach, including action research, to assess its effectiveness.
Conferences: Micro:bit Live 2021, UK
ICSD 2022, USA: “Involve Teachers in Screening and Supporting Autistic Children in Rural India”
ASFAR 2022, Australia: “Refining Pedagogies for Teaching and Learning of Computing for Autistic Students ”
MWCR 2022, India: “Disaster Management for Autistic Children and Adults and their Families and Carers”
ACM CompEd 2023, Hyderabad: “Meeting the Needs of All Learners through High Quality K-12 Computing Education Research”
INSAR 2024, Australia: “Piloting teacher training on screening and supporting autistic students in India”
extended abstract submitted for INSAR annual conference