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SANSKAR – An Android App that Promotes Harmony Through Acceptance

Start Date: Friday, Mar 01,2013

End Date: Sunday, Mar 01,2015

Project Incharge:Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh
Funded by:United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
SANSKAR – An Android App that Promotes Harmony Through Acceptance

The project SANSKAR – An Android App that Promotes Harmony Through Acceptance is to develop and deploy an android app that promotes harmony through acceptance. The project is funded by United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).

Back Ground

Our Chancellor Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (AMMA), in November 2012, addressed to the conference organized by UNAOC in which she laid out the basic approach to achieve cultural harmony. The three basic pillars of cultural exchange were laid out – Respect, Understand and Accept. The research at Amrita WNA drew inspiration and practical advice from this speech, which has enabled us to formalize the methods and carry forward the research in the area of using technology to further the mission of bringing harmony to the world.

UNAOC selected SANSKAR as one of the top 5 app ideas from around the world which could help enhance cultural harmony. This project was also showcased at CREATE UNAOC conference as well as got international media coverage in Voice of America and Rising Voices.

Salient Points

  • Designed and developed an android app to collect the compatibility data between various cultures.
  • Developed an algorithm to analyze compatibility between cultures.
  • Designed and Developed Android game to incentivize cultural interactions

Current Works

Participatory sensing based cultural knowledge generation for location aware mobile applications


Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh

Mr. Rahul Krishnan P.
Project Associate


Amrita in Top 5 at UNAOC Challenge »»

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